Tara Shoemaker


Come and hear, 
all you who fear God, 
and I will tell 
what he has done for my soul.
Psalm 66:16 
If you want the whole story, just ask for your free copy of Sing Out, a personal narrative designed to encourage and inspire young women of faith who are dealing with depression and/or eating disorders. You pay the shipping, I'll send it to you:  Click here to order yours!

The professional version is less dramatic!

I have had a long affair with creative writing, with a primary focus on poetry. I cut my teeth on T. S. Eliot and Plath, but was accepted into a post-graduate long fiction class where I concluded that long fiction was not going to be my cup of tea! I published my first collection of poetry Circumnavigation in 2008 and was awarded the Mulberry Poets prize. I am currently a member of the Bloomsburg River Poets, who have regularly invited her to be a featured reader.

But non-fiction on the other hand, became a vehicle of change…letters to editors, letters to influential sources, letters of recommendations for students, and even letters to potential donors for Camp Victory all produced results. My devotions have appeared in my church’s collections of Lenten devotionals. Since God had apparently delivered the gift of the well-turned phrase, I determined it should therefore be used as he needed, both in the secular and non-secular arena. 

And now I bring you Sing Out! I hope to extend my writing ministry more seriously and more directly to those who need it. Working with young people has always been my vocation. As a high school teacher for over 20 years, I have been immersed in the lingo and experiences of teens long enough to feel comfortable in that shadowy netherworld. I have volunteered at my church in youth ministries for over 5 years, and served as the church contemporary worship leader for over 10. In my capacity as worship leader, I started the young women’s singing group Sing Out (the dear girls for whom Sing Out is written), developed a youth praise team, and continued to mentor youth through the venue of praise.

I am the mother of two smash-up boys, Kelly and Will, and live happily with my awesome husband in the rural hills of Pennsylvania. My studio is full of jewelry, pottery, oil paintings, sculpture and even songs all made by my own hand by the grace of God, made to bless and made to glorify. 

Educational and Professional Background
• Bachelor's of English from Duke University, Creative Writing Concentration
• Masters of English from Bucknell University, Creative Thesis
• Teacher Certification from Susquehanna University
• Masters of Art Education from Edinboro University 
• English Teacher, Montgomery School District, Montgomery, PA. 1996-2000. 
• English Teacher, East Lycoming School District, Hughesville, PA. 2003-2012. 
• Adjunct professor of English, 2000-2003 
• Art Teacher, East Lycoming School District, Hughesville, PA. 2012 to present.
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